Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

[T860.Ebook] Fee Download A Sky Without Eagles, by Jack Donovan

Fee Download A Sky Without Eagles, by Jack Donovan

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A Sky Without Eagles, by Jack Donovan

A Sky Without Eagles, by Jack Donovan

A Sky Without Eagles, by Jack Donovan

Fee Download A Sky Without Eagles, by Jack Donovan

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A Sky Without Eagles, by Jack Donovan

A Sky Without Eagles is the first printed collection of The Way of Men author Jack Donovan's essays and speeches. Beginning with his viral hit, "Violence is Golden," A Sky Without Eagles assembles Donovan's best standalone commentary from 2010 through 2014. In his straightforward but disarmingly sincere style, Donovan channels the widespread disillusionment and frustration of men in the increasingly restrictive developed world. A Sky Without Eagles covers race realism, criticizes feminism's degenerative influence on masculinity, and in the title speech, laments the lack of virtue and nobility in American leadership.

Donovan wrote three new essays for A Sky Without Eagles. The first, "Train For Honor," deals with his search for meaning in strength training."CROM!" sums up Donovan's agnostic take on what kind of religion men need today. This collection concludes with "The Brotherhood" -- Donovan's imagining of a better, manlier and more spiritually unified tribe of men.

Table of Contents

Violence Is Golden
A Sky Without Eagles (Speech Transcript - NEW)
Mighty White
Vote With Your Ass
The Grievance Table
There Is No Honor In Competition With Women
Mother May I? Masculinity
Draw The Line
Everyone A Harlot
Train For Honor (NEW)
The Physical Challenge (NEW)
Principles of Convenience
The Manly Barbarian
Becoming The New Barbarians (Speech Transcript)
The Brotherhood (NEW)

  • Sales Rank: #21022 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-07-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.99" h x .41" w x 5.24" l, .46 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 178 pages

"I loved reading "Violence is Golden". It was provocative and inspiring. I enjoyed it so much that I shared it online and was stunned by how much controversy it created. (I'm sure that those that "violently" opposed the views of Mr. Donovan, missed the irony of their anger). Embracing violence doesn't mean you must be violent ... as a self-defense consultant, it means you must understand violence so that you can do your best to intercept it. In a real fight, when you are the target, it's not who's right that matters, its who's left." - Tony Blauer, Blauer Tactical Systems

"With this collection, Jack Donovan clearly demonstrates his deep and prescient understanding of a very particular type of man: at once revolutionary and traditional - an outsider amongst outsiders. But Donovan goes further than mere understanding, for in his use of physiological warfare against epistemological enslavement, he offers each of us an escape route from the promise of a deracinated and emasculated future." - Mark Dyal, Ph.D., author of Ultras Contra Modernity: Romans in Revolt (Arktos, 2014).

"Jack Donovan has produced a fascinating collection of straightforward essays that leave no sacred icon of contemporary times unassailed. The contents of this book represent the nightmares of every self-assured Marxist professor, shrill feminist ideologue, or smarmy liberal journalist. This is the book to hand out to baby faced university freshmen who have had the misfortune of being forced to sit through totalitarian humanist indoctrination sessions." - Keith Preston, Attack the System: A New Anarchist Perspective for the 21st Century

"Jack Donovan writes what most men think." - Mike Smock, Pulse Firearms

Knowing the truth means little if you lack the courage to express it in a world built on lies. Expressing it means little either if you lack the skill to capture and convince an audience. The essays in A Sky Without Eagles teem with ancient truths and new insights delivered with courage, humor, and compelling logic. Truth + courage + style = the latest Jack Donovan book. - Greg Johnson, author of New Right vs. Old Right

About the Author
Jack Donovan is the author of The Way of Men. He writes about masculinity and tribalism.

Most helpful customer reviews

30 of 33 people found the following review helpful.
An indispensable collection of essays and speeches
By André Wolfsangel
Jack Donovan is one of the best "right" writers. This book, the fourth, after "Androphilia", "Blood-Brotherhood and Other Rites of Male Alliance" and "The way of Men". I quote him in order to make clear their ideas:
"My work is about men. It's about understanding masculinity and the plight of men in the modern world. It's about what all men have in common. My research and thinking in this area have led me to the conclusion that men are tribal." (p. 55).
"I actually believe that the world is better and far more interesting if there are many cultures with different values and ideals. By that measure, I guess you could call me a multiculturalist." (p. 152).
Violence is Golden
Originally intended to be an opening chapter of "The way of Men". "Without action, words are just words. Without violence, laws are just words." (p. 21), Impossible not to remember the japanese writer Yukio Mishima.
A Sky Without Eagles
"In a balanced society, and in every balanced man, there is room for both vertical and horizontal thinking." (p. 30). "If I have to bend my knee to someone, I want it to be someone worthy of my allegiance. If I must be ruled, I want to be ruled by men who are better than I am. I want my rulers to represent the manly virtues of STRENGTH, COURAGE, MASTERY and HONOR, balanced with wisdom gained through experience. I want them to understand the world not just in theory, but in practice.
If I have to bend my knee, I want to look up and see eagles." (p. 35).
"Virile men do not unite to become sandbags. The fasces symbolizes men bound together with an axe, ready for action, issuing a threat of violence - of "or else". The fasces is a warning, a a promise of retaliation, a paddle on the wall for traitors, slackers and law-breakers." (p.43).
Mighty White
"The point is that white people are my people. We're an ethnic and racial group with a common heritage. Because stereoptypes aren't going away, because humans are tribal, and because we're a group that is well on its way to becoming just another minority, we have every right to organize as a group and take care of our own. I'm pro-white because I am pro-me. I'm pro-my family. I'm in favor of remembering my ancestors in a positive light. I support the preservation of my people's history and culture, and I resist the revisionism of groups who wish to skew history to favor the interests of others." (p. 54).
Vote With Your Ass
"I'm not advocating apathy. I don't want you to stop caring. I want you to stop believing." (p. 61). Worst is the situation here in Brazil, where two (bad) women are going to be in the second round of the presidential election.
The Grievance Table
"When men offered to split the run of the state with women, they divided the states's interests." (p. 69).
There Is No Honor In Competition With Women
"How do you feel when you tell a female or feminist "what's what?" What have you gained when, in your eyes, you've won an argument with a womam?" (p. 76).
"Mother May I" Masculinity
"It is also true that some compromise at the public level is necessary to mantain even the most rudimentary civilization. But to ask men to radically alter their behavior to facilitate the sucess of complete strangers with whom they may well be in direct or indirect competition is absurd. That's not "equality" any more than asking a boxer to fight with one hand tied behind his back is a "fair fight.". (p. 80).
Everyone A Harlot
"Manliness is like a talent. Some males are more gifted than others, but like any talent, masculinity has to be pushed and developed to amount to anything impressive. Boys who were raised by single moms or overprotective parents and put through the public school feminist brain-washing system were never tried or trained by groups of hard men. You can't hand a hen-pecked boy a high school diploma and expect him to spit like Clint Eastwood." (p. 93).
Train for Honor
"I don't train to be "fit enough" for the modern world, or to gain the esteem of the average modern man. I train because somewhere in my DNA there's a memory of a more ferocious world, a world where men could become what they are and reach the most terrifying magnificent state of their nature. I don't train to impress the majority of modern slobs. I train to be worthy enough to carry water for my barbarians fathers, and to be worthy of the company of the men most like them alive today. I train because I imagine the disgust and contempt our ancestors would have for us all if they lined up modern men on the street. I train to be less of an embarrassment to their memory. I train because most modern men dishonor all of the men who came before them. I train "as if" they were watching and judging us. I train "as if" I might one day be called to join them, or to strive and thrive as they once did, in a betterworld - a greater age. I train because it is better to imagine oneself as a soldier in a spiritual army training for a war that may never come than it is to shrug, slouch and shuffle forward into a dysgenic and dystopian future." (p. 110).
The Physical Challenge
"Working out" is a substitute for work. It's forcing your body to do what it wants to do, what it's made to do. Modern life provides fewer and fewer opportunities to be do real work. Hard work." (p. 116).
Principles of Convenience
"In every self-righteous rant, I look for the man who has overcome nothing, trying to remake the world in his own image, to save him from the trouble of remaking himself." (p. 119).
The Mainly Barbarian
"If we put aside fantasies of noble savages and recognise the barbarian as the father of all men, his interest in exploit and preference for demonstrations of prowess over mere industry help to explain some of the conflicts between mainless and our modern industrial (and post-industrial) way of life. Antimodern passions in men, while often couched in talk of the greatness of dying or past civilizations , are also often connected to a yearning for a return to the "barbarian values" of blood, honor, magic, poetry, adventure and exploit which are forbidden to all but a few in our "evolved" modern world." (p. 126).
Becoming The New Barbarians
"You cannot play fair with people who don't care if you get wiped off the map. You don't have to hate everyone who isn't part of your tribe, but it is foolish to keep caring about people who don't care about you." (p. 137).
"I like a lot of those old pagan gods. The gods are dramatic characters that personify aspects of the human experience and nature. Their stories inspire and put some magic back into the world. I prefer the European pagan gods to the Christian god or Asian religious figures because the European pagan gods were the native gods of my ancestors, and I like their stories better, and they inspire me in a way that I want to be inspired." (p. 144).
The Brotherhood
This new essay sum up Donovan's values: brotherhood, family and ancestry.

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
This work, a collection of essays and speeches, ...
By Captain Barnacle
This work, a collection of essays and speeches, functions in many ways as follow up to his previous book The Way of Men. Even though it is not a direct thematic sequel, you can still see the development of his thought in the works cataloged here, especially the speeches.

12 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
A much-needed voice
By Ethan M. Sterk
It's rare these days to find someone who's not afraid to defend a position that is actually controversial. I can't say I agree with everything Jack Donovan writes about, but the fact that he makes no excuses for who he is and what he believes in means he has at least a little of my respect.

More than that, however, is how much I find myself agreeing with his writings. He has a refreshingly realistic view of the world and writes with humor, clarity, and confidence. What he writes speaks to me and inspires me as a man, and is very much needed in a world that shuns and even mocks masculinity and honor (until it is expedient not to). The essays and speeches in here cover a range of topics, and even if you don't agree with him you won't find a boring or cliche part in this book.

As an aside, I read one of his other books "The Way Of Men" before this, and I would highly recommend it as a companion piece that explains how he views masculinity and its virtues (strength, courage, mastery, and honor). It is not needed to understand "A Sky Without Eagles" but if you enjoy this book, it should be next on your to-buy list.

See all 45 customer reviews...

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[T860.Ebook] Fee Download A Sky Without Eagles, by Jack Donovan Doc

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