Rabu, 25 April 2012

[N695.Ebook] Ebook Blindsided by God: Disappointment, Suffering, and the Untamable Goodness of God, by Peter Chin

Ebook Blindsided by God: Disappointment, Suffering, and the Untamable Goodness of God, by Peter Chin

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Blindsided by God: Disappointment, Suffering, and the Untamable Goodness of God, by Peter Chin

Blindsided by God: Disappointment, Suffering, and the Untamable Goodness of God, by Peter Chin

Blindsided by God: Disappointment, Suffering, and the Untamable Goodness of God, by Peter Chin

Ebook Blindsided by God: Disappointment, Suffering, and the Untamable Goodness of God, by Peter Chin

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Blindsided by God: Disappointment, Suffering, and the Untamable Goodness of God, by Peter Chin

Having survived the hurricanes of life, Pastor Peter Chin offers powerful, personal ways we can understand and even redeem the suffering we all experience in our lives.

  • Sales Rank: #267401 in Books
  • Brand: Baker Pub Group/Baker Books
  • Published on: 2015-02-03
  • Released on: 2015-02-03
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .55" w x 5.50" l, .63 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 240 pages

From the Back Cover
It took thirty years to build Peter's faith, but only three months to knock it down.

When Peter Chin moved his family into an inner-city neighborhood to plant a church, he was sure he was doing what God wanted. But in the span of a few months his family experienced a heartbreaking miscarriage, a break-in at their home, a breast cancer diagnosis, and the termination of their health insurance. Why would God allow these things to happen?

But God had one more surprise prepared for the Chins: a child, conceived in the most unlikely and dangerous of circumstances, through whom Peter would realize that although God's ways were wild and strange, they were always good.

Filled with twists and turns, deep insights, and surprising humor, Blindsided by God explores the reality of suffering, the mystery of God's ways, and why, even in the darkest times, there's always reason for hope.

About the Author
Peter Chin was born and raised in the Chicago suburbs and is the son of Korean-American immigrants. Intent on becoming a medical doctor, he attended Yale University, where he received a degree in history while also fulfilling requirements for medical sch

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Honest and sobering storytelling with a dash of humor
By Herman Tam
I picked up this book at 4:30pm (right after the Seahawks declared victory over the packers) thinking that I would have a leisurely evening multitasking with cooking dinner and picking it back up after my daughter went to bed. But no, I read it from beginning to end all in one evening because it was so captivating.

And yes, I have grown to be skeptical of listening to messages from the pulpit about suffering and rolling my eyes about how the preacher over spiritualizes and delivers pat messages about suffering, but there isn't an ounce of that in this book. This is an honest account about the disappointment that Peter chin and his family have endured and it is also an account about the overwhelming faithfulness of God (delivered without the pat messages of course).

Peter Chin, thank you for your courage and bravery in being so vulnerable about how God has shaped you and how he is currently shaping you. May your life (and this book) be an example of how we can be more vulnerable with each other and how we can live our lives as co-sufferers in experiencing God's overwhelming love and goodness.

-Angela Tam

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
A great read! Who hasn't wrestled with these same questions of disappointment and suffering? Highly recommended.
By Tai L.
I've bought hundreds of books from Amazon, but this is my first ever attempt at a review. I think it's fitting though as Pastor Peter Chin's book struck a chord with me in a deeply personal way, weaving the age old questions of "is God good, and can he be fully trusted?" into his (and his family's) very personal story of faith and trust. It's written in a way that very easily draws you in, and I found myself reading the entire book in a single sitting!

There's a little bit of a "blue like jazz'" feel to it as it seems you not only get to know Peter on a personal level, but also his wife Carol and the rest of their children. I appreciate how the book leaves room for the mystery of God in suffering, and doesn't give pat and easy answers of "well this happened because God wanted to do this". Blind Sided by God draws you into the Chin family's story of faith with refreshing humor and flow, allowing at the same time for you to see similarities of struggle in your own journey...and ultimately coming out feeling like you've walked a little bit of the journey with this wonderful family of seven.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
"Faith is made for the Hard and the Unfair..."
By Gardener&Reviewer
"Faith is not a breathing exercise to make us marginally more at peace in the midst of modern distraction. It is stern stuff that allows a person to stare into the darkest void and walk straight in. Faith was made for hardship, suffering, fear, sickness, and nights like this...
Faith shows its true power and full worth in such moments."

That's Pastor Peter Chin speaking.
The night he's speaking of was a night where he came to the end of all his reserves.
His beautiful young wife had aggressive breast cancer, coming close on the heels of the miscarriage of her third pregnancy. Their two daughters were under five years of age.
They had just moved to a new city, into a neighborhood infested with crime, for the purpose of planting a church.

Nothing that defined Peter before this point could help him now.
The fact that he was a pastor couldn't carry him.
The fact that he was her husband couldn't fight Carol's disease.
The fact that he was their father couldn't shield his daughters from fear.
Only a living God, One who is present with His people, could meet these needs.

In this new book, Peter takes us step by step through these dark, difficult, valley-of-the-shadow months.

The Chin's personal story is riveting. (The author may object to that, but it was.)
The trials they encountered came so hard and fast that it's no wonder Peter felt betrayal and despair when he thought of them all.
The wonder is that he can now point to providence, care, redemption, and grace as sustaining his family during it all.

In the beginning of the book, he tells us that he's not writing a theological treatise on suffering, he's relating his personal experience.
Without crossing the line into academic analysis, he brings forth some incredible insights.
When you get your copy, pay attention to these chapters- "The Mulberry and the Wisteria" and "A Minor Miracle."

How he keeps his sense of humor I don't know, but this is also one of the funniest books I've read in a while. (I started laughing out loud when he made this certain comment about the hospital elevator.)

Short review: This book will wrench your heart as you think about a family trying to deal with all of this, and it will move you to praise God as you see His presence in their lives.

Thank you Bethany House for my review copy. It's going on my keeper shelf.

See all 48 customer reviews...

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[N695.Ebook] Ebook Blindsided by God: Disappointment, Suffering, and the Untamable Goodness of God, by Peter Chin Doc

[N695.Ebook] Ebook Blindsided by God: Disappointment, Suffering, and the Untamable Goodness of God, by Peter Chin Doc

[N695.Ebook] Ebook Blindsided by God: Disappointment, Suffering, and the Untamable Goodness of God, by Peter Chin Doc
[N695.Ebook] Ebook Blindsided by God: Disappointment, Suffering, and the Untamable Goodness of God, by Peter Chin Doc

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